Saturday, 31 December 2011

Merry New Year everyone! Here is a picture of Sim Voldemort having a picnic in the park and talking about ladybirds with his fellow old peeps (did this of his own free will, I might add):

Did I ever tell you that he ended up sleeping with lots of people (men and women, but mostly men) and they all started hating him because he ended up being a cheating slut? In the words of my blog title, "LOL". Let's hope 2012 is just as eventful.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Today I handed in my last essay of the semester (probably the worst thing I have ever written) and it feels GREAT! Came home to lunch of chicken nuggets and curly fries, now I'm about to spend all evening playing Sims 3 (remember all those dumb Sims updates I used to make? Real fun times). As Tea and Biscuits reminded me, we also had a mini Christmas Day in our house last week! Picture evidence:

Blurred picture of mini tree with presents and topped with angel made out of toilet roll and a dishcloth.
If you really know me, you might recognise my hands in this picture.

We went into town to check out the Christmas Fair (it finished the previous weekend), got hot chocolate, exchanged Secret Santa presents, had dinner (obviously), played board games (our favourite was Eye Know) and watched films. It was followed by the usual depressing period of realising that the day was over and we had to get back to work.

In other news, I've been told that my pregnant sister in law has been having 'baby twinges' so my Mum has disappeared off to help out and babysit - but for now the baby is sitting tight! I'm not quite sure when I'll get home yet, because of a mixture of this, access to cars and possible bad weather. Really hope to be back by Thursday though, at the latest! (I can't bear the idea of taking all my stuff on the train.)
And lastly, I'm going to try and take lots of pictures of my Christmas at home this year and maybe make a video of some parts. I don't know why, I think it's because talking with friends always reminds me how different everyone's experience is - and apparently no one else puts balloons up as decorations??? We've always done this. Anyway, I'm off to play Sims and for the next couple of days do whatever I want (although I'm supposed to be working on my ever present dissertation).

Saturday, 3 December 2011

I really love being a History student sometimes because I get to do things like make references to Blackadder in my essays and write dramatic sentences like 'the monster of war had no class preference when it came to slaughtering that youthful generation'. World War One was no joke, however; read up on it. It was awful.

Okay, back to writing essays now, I just had this thought and obviously you wanted to know about it.
(PS - "the iron fist of autocracy" was also a past favourite. LANGUAGE RAAAARRRRGHHHH)