Saturday 5 January 2013

HELLO Hello hello

Oh dear, I haven't been here for a while! Honestly, since leaving uni, not much happens to me. In the past couple of months I did (finally) get my BA certificate, start driving lessons, get a job and speed through Christmas 2012 but most importantly... I got a new expansion pack for Sims 3!
This means more dumb screencaps for your viewing pleasure. This is the Supernatural EP so I made a household of my friends and I again, except this time we are mystical creatures. I used a random number generator to pick which one we would get, and:

Myself, emmaonwheels: Vampire
Sammy/Tea and Biscuits: Ghost
Chloe: Ghost
Izzy/Harmless Bizzle: Fairy
Ivy: Fairy
Ash: Werewolf
Hayley: Human (it's what the fates decided, sorry)
(There's also the option to be a witch, but unfortunately the number generator just wasn't feeling that one.)

Highlights so far:
This is my 'hunting' stance. I know my skin looks surprisingly rosy but I'm a vampire really.

I also watch ghost-Sammy sleep.

Not the best shot but this is us watching Ivy play guitar in the kitchen.

It was a full moon that night so Ash turned into her beast form! Check out that hairy chest (and the arms and legs too). Yum.

Ivy, I'm sorry but you wet yourself when Ash transformed...

...and then she tried to 'sniff you inappropriately'.

More to come if the game keeps being so entertaining. I am totally an adult now, yes.