1.What, without fail, always cheers you up?
Hmmm, that's a difficult one... Probably finishing an essay that's been bugging me for ages/getting a good mark back. Or when my nieces and nephews are excited to see me! Kids are so hard (for me) to please.
2.Tea -genius or not?
Uninterested so I'm going to say NOT.
3.Favourite meal ever?
"Salad"/fridge things! Practically picnic food.
4.Favourite day out?
I don't go on days out very often but a couple of days ago I went on a trip to West Midlands Safari Park for R's birthday and it was pretty fun though the weather was sad and rainy. Our car got surrounded by emus and it was simultaneously the most exciting/scary thing that has ever happened to me. That, or when we went on a spontaneous trip to the beach last October. However Harmless Bizzle's suggestion also sounds AMAZING.
5. If you could go on holiday today, where would you go?
Somewhere in Australia! Though maybe not today because it's summer there now and I think I would melt. Honestly I'd really like to go to Scotland... Bit of a contrast.
6. Favourite Disney classic?
Sleeping Beauty. Though I'm not sure why...
7. What food could you not live without?
This is even harder than the first question. I'm going to say bread, in any of its glorious forms.
8. You're going onto a desert island and can take one person- who do you take?
Mum because she knows everything??? Or dad because he could build a shelter/fire/boat or catch things etc. This answer probably says a lot about me.
9. What is your dream job?
SLEEPING/Writer/Midwife??? The latter is a very tenuous answer at the moment.
10. Do you have any guilty pleasure reality TV shows?
Does Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents count? Got into the habit of watching it recently. Though I really wish they'd quit with the gratuitous shots of people vomiting...
I'm really bad at thinking of questions, perhaps more so than I am at answering them. However, here are a few that my brain pooped out (answer as many or as few as you would like):
1) What should the background on my "oh my god I'm not an old lady any more" amazing new phone be?
2) Do you have WhatsApp and would you like to exchange some of those funny emoticons with me?
3) Why does my towel keep falling off my radiator?
4) When you get back into your house/room after a lecture, what's the first thing you do? (Don't say "I take my coat off" or something sassy like that... What do you actually DO? Lie down/make a cup of tea/go on your laptop, etc.)
5) Could you ever see/hear the name Casper without thinking of the friendly ghost?
6) What is the best dream you can ever remember having?
7) Does everyone in your house get super stressy when they've all got assignments to do around the same time? This one is particularly directed at people in their final year.
8) What time do you get of bed at the weekends? (Providing you don't have a job)
9) Would you consider yourself a feminist?
10) Butter with jam on toast?
11) Nutella - food of the gods or inadequate spread?
3) Why does my towel keep falling off my radiator?
4) When you get back into your house/room after a lecture, what's the first thing you do? (Don't say "I take my coat off" or something sassy like that... What do you actually DO? Lie down/make a cup of tea/go on your laptop, etc.)
5) Could you ever see/hear the name Casper without thinking of the friendly ghost?
6) What is the best dream you can ever remember having?
7) Does everyone in your house get super stressy when they've all got assignments to do around the same time? This one is particularly directed at people in their final year.
8) What time do you get of bed at the weekends? (Providing you don't have a job)
9) Would you consider yourself a feminist?
10) Butter with jam on toast?
11) Nutella - food of the gods or inadequate spread?