Saturday, 31 December 2011

Merry New Year everyone! Here is a picture of Sim Voldemort having a picnic in the park and talking about ladybirds with his fellow old peeps (did this of his own free will, I might add):

Did I ever tell you that he ended up sleeping with lots of people (men and women, but mostly men) and they all started hating him because he ended up being a cheating slut? In the words of my blog title, "LOL". Let's hope 2012 is just as eventful.

Monday, 12 December 2011

Today I handed in my last essay of the semester (probably the worst thing I have ever written) and it feels GREAT! Came home to lunch of chicken nuggets and curly fries, now I'm about to spend all evening playing Sims 3 (remember all those dumb Sims updates I used to make? Real fun times). As Tea and Biscuits reminded me, we also had a mini Christmas Day in our house last week! Picture evidence:

Blurred picture of mini tree with presents and topped with angel made out of toilet roll and a dishcloth.
If you really know me, you might recognise my hands in this picture.

We went into town to check out the Christmas Fair (it finished the previous weekend), got hot chocolate, exchanged Secret Santa presents, had dinner (obviously), played board games (our favourite was Eye Know) and watched films. It was followed by the usual depressing period of realising that the day was over and we had to get back to work.

In other news, I've been told that my pregnant sister in law has been having 'baby twinges' so my Mum has disappeared off to help out and babysit - but for now the baby is sitting tight! I'm not quite sure when I'll get home yet, because of a mixture of this, access to cars and possible bad weather. Really hope to be back by Thursday though, at the latest! (I can't bear the idea of taking all my stuff on the train.)
And lastly, I'm going to try and take lots of pictures of my Christmas at home this year and maybe make a video of some parts. I don't know why, I think it's because talking with friends always reminds me how different everyone's experience is - and apparently no one else puts balloons up as decorations??? We've always done this. Anyway, I'm off to play Sims and for the next couple of days do whatever I want (although I'm supposed to be working on my ever present dissertation).

Saturday, 3 December 2011

I really love being a History student sometimes because I get to do things like make references to Blackadder in my essays and write dramatic sentences like 'the monster of war had no class preference when it came to slaughtering that youthful generation'. World War One was no joke, however; read up on it. It was awful.

Okay, back to writing essays now, I just had this thought and obviously you wanted to know about it.
(PS - "the iron fist of autocracy" was also a past favourite. LANGUAGE RAAAARRRRGHHHH)

Monday, 21 November 2011

Remember, remember...

...that time we were dumb teenagers (Harmless Bizzle reminded me). I watched V for Vendetta the other day and I thought it was pretty good.
I feel like I apologise a lot for not posting much, but I don't think I post enough to substantiate that claim. I am sorry for not posting enough anyway, but as always my life revolves around essay writing at the moment. About a week and a half ago I actually wrote quite a long post about nothing and saved it to my drafts but never published it. Most of it is kind of irrelevant now though, mostly just me rambling about an essay on Charles I (which I have now finished), a new pair of boots that I'd bought and the fact I went home for a bit during my reading week. It was also really picture heavy but I can't remember why.
What I learned in life today is that suggesting counselling to a friend/housemate is a bad idea, that I am actually warming up to Latte's of all things (so far have tried Toffee Nut Latte from Starbucks and Creme Brulee Latte from Costa) and that searches in the library catalogue can often yield odd results:

The point of this post is that I am still alive and that's good. And I have to buy my own advent calendar for the first time ever which is bad.

Monday, 17 October 2011

I'm not sure what you're trying to suggest here, Google Maps... I'm just trying to get to the hairdressers.

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Music post, just like old times

Why do music videos have such crazy long introductions? Does anyone listen to these? I might just look back at the music tag after I've officially had this blog for a year and make a playlist.

Most boring update ever

I feel compelled to write something, especially after taking such a long break (and noticing that I somehow managed to write 31 blog entries in February. Were they all Sims caps???)

I've officially joined a gym! Not only have I had an induction (don't really like that word in this context, reminds me far too much of pregnancy/birth), but I had my first session today. It was surprisingly okay, though I might have to wait until tomorrow until I can really decide if my body is paying the price for being so unfit. My legs hurt at the time, made even worse by the fact that I had to rush home, had the quickest shower ever and then immediately had to dash out again to go to a lecture (4:15pm until 6:15pm, ridiculous!!!). It felt good to actually do something though, and the instructor told me I was the strongest in our induction group, which was awesome.

As much as late lectures suck, I usually end up doodling a lot and I was quite proud of this thing (which will inevitably not look as good when it's a massive picture on the computer screen):

That took AGES to upload. Well, it's not that great but I was pretty pleased with it because it's a side-profile that I did totally freestyle without any reference! I'm usually awful at side views, as demonstrated by tiny face above the girls head in this picture.

Is that the real reason I made this post? I don't know. Not much has happened to me since the last update, though I have finished my 1st essay (or did I mention that last time?) 3 weeks early. Had a meeting with my dissertation tutor and she said I'd made good progress over the summer. Success! I'm sorry, life is pretty boring at the moment... I think we might have peaked with that spontaneous beach trip. Maybe now Tea and Biscuits has Sims 2, I'll get back into it as well! Once the essay period properly starts up I'll almost certainly start procrastinating (if only the marks didn't matter so much this year).

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Okay, back again! To summarise:

  • I hardly posted over summer and I forgot to mention it earlier, and this is mostly because I did absolutely nothing! Well, except for a bit of dissertation reading and seeing friends a few times (including a Harry Potter marathon, which for some reason we didn't take any pictures of despite the great seats, enormous TV and excess snackage)
  • It has been super warm recently as you have probably all noticed, so on the Saturday just gone we went on an impromptu trip to the seaside! We went to Weston-Super-Mare, which is just over an hour away from where we live, and though the beach was a little wet (well, I don't think I saw even a tiny bit of dry sand) and the tide was really far out, it was a nice day out.

It looks like I only have one leg, but I can assure you I have two.

  • I promise there is a 4th housemate but she was usually taking the photos herself, and I couldn't find any good ones (yes, including the black circles granting us something like anonymity... not sure how well that works) of all 4 of us. You only really want to see me anyway, right?
  • As for heroic actions earlier, on our way back from Tesco earlier, R and I passed this old(er) lady hobbling quite slowly down the road, with non-matching shoes on (though eventually she took one off). We went past her at first but then R suggested we go back and ask her if she was okay because she didn't look too good, and so we did. She said no, but (luckily?) there was a police car in the line of traffic on the opposite side of the road and she asked us to call them over. We did so and eventually one of the officers got out, and for some reason the lady asked us if we were Polish! Obviously we're not, and she seemed surprised and said "Well that's nice" (apparently English people aren't helpful) and thanked us. Once the officer got over to us, he asked her if she was alright and she shook her head and started crying. We were kind of worried about how she was going to get on/what was wrong, but the officer gave us a thumbs up (???) and told us we could go, so off we went. Heroic action for the day! We think that if the police car hadn't conveniently been across the road we might have had to call for one, or maybe even an ambulance. I can't help but give R most of the credit but she assures me that if I wasn't there she would have kept going... She might be trying to make me feel better but I Was There.
  • When we got back I succesfully cooked pasta and Quorn meatballs with tomato and basil sauce. Chocolate pop tart for dessert. They're pretty basic but Tesco has also restarted selling Reese's peanut butter cups. Hallelujah!
  • I think that's about it!

First post in some time


  • Been back at uni for a week and a half! In a much nicer house, though my room is not quite as good as I remember it. Isn't that always the way? It's pretty big, though I only have a single bed this time (I should stop moaning about this) but in general much better than the last one. However, we live almost a half hour walk away from campus rather than the 2 minutes like we did previously! Fortunately I have friends from Gloucester who drive past my street on their way in so they give me a lift half of the time, and occasionally one my housemates (who does the same subject as me) will drive us places too.

  • As my parents were leaving after helping me move in, both my mum AND my dad kissed my (female) housemate on the cheek and everyone else is now jealous.

  • I have Wednesdays free, no lectures before 11:15 etc etc so my timetable is pretty good, including my assignments which are much more spread out this time! However, I've got my dissertation to start (properly) working on so that's not so much fun...

  • Rebelling against THE MAN by considering skipping most of my Monday lectures; it's the 1st year extra module I'm doing, and the only assessments are 2 essays. I'm thinking of only going to the lectures that are relevant to the questions I want to do, and any others that might interest me (unlikely). Seems fair enough, right? I only need to pass that module, I want to do well in the 3rd year classes which actually matter. I discussed with my Mum and she agreed with me so that makes me feel better. THOUGHTS ON MY REBELLION WELCOME.

  • In relation to the above I have started my first assignment 5 weeks early (I eat 1000 word document commentaries for breakfast, to be honest, especially when I only need to get 40%).

  • I joined a gym! My housemate is planning to go 4 times a week so hopefully I'll be a fittie by Christmas, at which point I'll gorge myself and get fat again. Proof of membership, horrible curtain fringe and bundled dressing gown shown in photo below:

    • In case you were wondering (probably not), my nails are currently painted with OPI's Lincoln Park After Dark.
    • Still sexually attracted to my Spotify Premium account, I think he/she/it may be The One. Aforementioned housemate (who from this point onwards shall be known as R) is woefully single and wants that to change so expect us both to be married by the end of this academic year.
    • Had heroic moment earlier as my R and I helped an old lady but I'll describe that in another post (maybe) if I can think of anything else to say and once I have watched more TV shows about food with R (I promise I do spend time with other people as well)
    • Also SPONTANEOUS BEACH VISIT but that will have to go in another post too because TV is calling

    Sunday, 31 July 2011


    (Insert picture of cool guy wearing sunglasses here)

    Friday, 15 July 2011

    Maybe I'll wait until more people have seen it (not that an enormous amount of people follow me...) but for now I will just say Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 was pretty damn good. I had some beef with it but many exciting things happened and I am happy! Considering writing a review for this competition with Vue to win a month of free cinema tickets or something but I am probably too lazy. The unfortunate consequence of finally passing through this momentous occasion is that I now have to officially start proper reading for my dissertation.

    PS - STUDENT LANDLORDS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tuesday, 28 June 2011

    A mother hen and her chicks! Filmed by my own hands! Can you hear my voice (as well as my brother's) in the background? I am so proud of my girls - this is the 3rd generation of my lovely poultry family.

    Saturday, 25 June 2011

    ALTHOUGH, both our family PC and my Mum's laptop have been attacked by the same virus recently, which prevented us from using any of the internet browsers - even the previously infallible Google Chrome. However, I came to the rescue and saved both computers and I am now referred to as 'The Doctor' (a title which I rather enjoy but you can still call me Emma/some variation of my surname). My life is really interesting!!!

    The only thing going on in my life that's worth updating about (and even that's debatable)

    Yeah bitch that's whassup

    Friday, 3 June 2011

    While I revel in the awesome-ness that is having no exams (or rather, nothing to do at all until I get a job), I've got back into playing Sims 3... Again. Yesterday, I made a Voldemort sim:

    He dreams of flower pots:

    I had to give him a really horrible personality, obviously... Evil, insane, hot-headed, mean-spirited, and something else... Possibly ambitious. One of his first wishes was to steal candy from a baby, so I made him go to the park but he went on the swings instead:
    I also made Harry Potter and some of the other 'good guys' so hopefully some scandals will develop. This post is probably an accurate representation of how exciting my life generally is.
    On the other hand, I went to 'Spoons for a meal with Tea and Biscuits last night... It was good fun! I haven't seen her since the Christmas holidays so it was great to spend time her again. We are both considering quitting Facebook so... watch out.

    Sunday, 22 May 2011

    No, wait... I just won a 6 month subscription to Spotify Premium (on top of the 30 day free trial I aready had)! AWWW YEAH

    Wednesday, 18 May 2011

    Got home earlier today. Housemates bought me a load of sweets as a late birthday present - yes, Crispy M&M's do still exist! Happy times.

    Tuesday, 17 May 2011

    emmaonwheels has finished her exams. emmaonwheels is happy. Home time tomorrow! In the excitement of drawing a bee over my face I forgot my actual reason for doing it. Check out that stinger! Don't let the picture fool you, I do actually have 4 fingers and a thumb on each hand.

    Monday, 16 May 2011

    I have one more exam to do! Life is good! However, it is at 5:15pm and is 2 hours long... That sucks.

    Monday, 18 April 2011

    Ash mourns Sam's dead girlfriend.

    Sam's adopted daughter Amelia (who also leans towards women), having just finished working out on the treadmill. Looks sassy quite often.

    This is her "I just got out of the bath" face.

    Our Sims got old and died but our ghosts are lame and do stuff like sleep (Izzy) and watch TV (Ash).

    Saturday, 16 April 2011

    Monday, 11 April 2011

    Pot of Ben & Jerry's Cookie Dough for one, living da liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife
    (AKA - This is how I deal with revision)

    Wednesday, 30 March 2011

    My Sim finally got knocked up.

    Pregnant women walk like pimps, apparently.

    And this is what it looks like when you go into labour.

    Tuesday, 29 March 2011

    OMG OMG OMG How cool does this sound? At an SU bar near ME!

    Monday, 28 March 2011

    Work in IT room without getting up for 5 hours; write 2500 words; haven't eaten for 8 hours; come home; eat everything; dying. SO CLOSE TO THE END THOUGH.

    Thursday, 24 March 2011

    If I were a boy

    Even just for a day
    I'd roll out of bed in the morning
    And throw on what I wanted
    And go drink beer with the guys

    Wednesday, 23 March 2011

    Finished another essay yesterday and handed it in today. Oreo Krispy Kreme Doughnut all up in this bitch.

    Thursday, 17 March 2011

    Dorothy Perkins style, aiiiiiiiiiiiight. I was too lazy to look through all the accessories. Time for a shower.

    Sunday, 13 March 2011

    In other news, I finished yet another essay 2 days early! Now onto the next one, hopefully I can send a 1000 word plan to my lecturer by Thursday but either way I have to write that AND the 2000 word essay to go with it by 24th March.

    If I won £250,000

    I would
    • Instantly pay off my student debts
    • Buy myself a car/pay for driving lessons
    • Get a new phone that isn't so god damn slow
    • Go to Australia, New Zealand, Canada and maybe the US
    • Redecorate our house because it is taking forever
    • Buy as many pairs of matching lingerie as possible (OK I know you wanted to know that)
    • Buy ALL the clothes (for reference, here is a couple of idea boards of clothes I would like... made a couple of months ago so they've probably all sold out now)
    From Republic...
    ...and River Island.

    Hmmm there's probably more but you all know how indecisive I am.

    Saturday, 12 March 2011

    Hmmm, haven't updated for a while. I've been very busy! However I have managed to do a group presentation and the report for it (which I've finished 2 weeks early) and I've half finished one for Tuesday. Just the rest of that, two 3000 word essays, a dissertation proposal and 5 exams to go... I get to spy on the local talent in the library/IT room though, fun times.

    Thursday, 3 March 2011

    An Insight Into My Mind

    (In no particular order)
    1) Stir fry, preferably chicken but I don't really care! Recently I've been using Quorn because I'm too scared to cook meat myself.

    2) Yeah i like gherkins/pickles/etc. What of it?

    3) Any roast dinner cooked by my Mum! No pictures can accurately represent their amazingness.

    4) Wraps, of many varieties.

    5) Bread! Many experiences shared with Tea and Biscuits

    6) I love curly fries, I do I do I do.
    7) Thornton's makes the best fudge in the world! 

    8) Mint choc chip ice cream (though I basically like most things with mint and chocolate put together)

    9) Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. Chocolate and peanut butter, together = get inside me.

    10) In case you couldn't tell, they're pain au chocolat! Beautiful.

    Tuesday, 1 March 2011