Monday, 21 November 2011

Remember, remember...

...that time we were dumb teenagers (Harmless Bizzle reminded me). I watched V for Vendetta the other day and I thought it was pretty good.


  1. Ahh Music... How did we ever pass that class? And how did we manage to pass it with decent grades?!

    Good times.

  2. V for Vendetta is one of my favourite films! Hugo Weaving ftw. Also, this post made me laugh too much to ever be taken seriously as a 21-year-old.

  3. I still have absolutely no idea how we all did so well! Well, apart from you, Ivy (so weird to refer to you by your blog name). Although I can probably solve the mystery of why Mrs Magee hated me. My housemate has suggested replacing Michael Howard with David Cameron and putting them around town here... Perhaps I could become a rebellious legend like the people who graffiti Tory billboards.
    Yeah I found myself becoming attracted to V and I feel like this is a bad thing. But it was still a really good film! I also hope we can all live to be 80 y/o+ and still laugh at the word penis. It's such a silly thing.
